We created GRUP (said like "group") out of respect for the craft. To lift up the exceptional work of others. We bring you what we always wanted for ourselves - Pieces to last a lifetime. All in one place together. Online, straightforward, inspirational, informative, verified authentic, and accessible to the planet.
Our inspiration comes from the Old World.
Trendless, seasonless, genderless, using less, wasting less - When you pare everything down you are left with the ultimate essentials.
The "jeans and white shirt" of it all.
Our goal is to provide you with a fresh stream of items that already exist beautifully. High quality pieces that have lasted the test of time, are allowed to thrive again with you.
Old is still good.
Wear it, love it, add your story to the character of the piece. Keep it forever or pass it along.
We have personally and carefully chosen items that are well-crafted, well-constructed, and worthy of your love and appreciation. For You, rather than brand display to others.
Trends come and go, but style is timeless.
How you style yourself, put pieces together, that will always be uniquely your own.
No one else can do it your way.
Blair & Lynae